Serving Staten Island, NY|917-681-3146
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When you find water in your basement, you should act quickly to address it. High levels of humidity and standing water are detrimental to items in the basement, human health, and the house's structural integrity. The longer you let water sit, the worse the problem becomes.
Cleaning your basement requires an ample number of towels, time, and even a shop-Vac. Once everything is dry, and humidity levels return to normal, you are still not done. It is important to keep in mind that if water got in once, it could get in again. The best time to deal with basement waterproofing on Staten Island is while your basement is dry. First, it makes work easier and less expensive, and secondly, it prevents flooding from occurring more than once.
In some cases, it is easy to identify where water is coming from, like a leaking furnace or washing machines. In other instances, you cannot tell where water is originating from, so when this happens, you should reach out for the best waterproofing contractor Staten Island has to offer.
There are many reasons why water is present and persistent in basements, but you should call a waterproofing contractor Staten Island regardless of the cause. Even finished basements benefit from waterproofing without the risk of damaging the existing basement.
If you found water in your basement once, you are more likely than not to find water again. The longer a person procrastinates, the worse the problem gets, and the more costly repairs become.
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