Basement Crack Repair Staten Island

Serving Staten Island, NY|917-681-3146

Professional Basement Waterproofing Services

Family Owned | In Business Since 1992 | Same-Day Service

Facts About Bowing Basement Walls

Basement Waterproofing Staten Island

Bowing basement walls can be a serious issue in your Staten Island home. Bowing basement walls are walls that bend inwards and often lead to horizontal cracking. The cracks created from bowed walls often invite water into the basement. All of this compromises the home’s structure and the building’s safety. It’s important to fix bowing basement walls before they become a bigger issue. We provide the best basement waterproofing Staten Island offers and can help with issues with bowing basement walls.
The best waterproofing companies on Staten Island know that correcting bowing walls is the way to prevent water from entering the home.

What causes bowing basement walls? Several factors can lead to this issue. The main reasons are as follows:

  • Frost Heave – When the soil around the area freezes and expands, the walls may bend.
  • Foundation Settling – The walls of your basement are part of the home’s foundation, so they must be strong to support the building’s weight. As the foundation settles, you may experience basement bowing walls.
  • Large Roots – Roots near the basement and foundation may push against the walls, which will cause them to bow in.

What are some tell-tale signs of basement wall bowing?

  • Walls that lean at the top
  • Horizontal or stair-step cracks along your basement walls
  • Buckling, bulging, or inward movement of the walls

When cracks occur due to basement wall bowing, water will likely seep through. Water in your basement leads to mold growth and structural damage. Basement waterproofing is essential to fix bowing basement walls and prevent moisture in the home.

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Waterproofing Basement Walls Staten Island

If you are looking for the professional contractor for your basement waterproofing cost and foundation crack repair solutions, you are coming to the right place! We are a family owned company at Staten Island since 1992. We always behind our work to make you 100% satisfied.